24 January 2007

24 January 2007

Not much going on today, just feel so tired. So tired of everything, tired of breathing, tired of feeling sick, and tired of the inevitable crash that all ways comes. Tired of being in debt , tired of worrying about dying, but also tired of living. Tired of seeing those around me slowly die off, leaving me here to live in this rotten cesspool. Tired of seeing those I care about in pain, and tired of people worrying about me. I think I am tired of that most of all. I wish I could just be forgotten, left to drown alone . Left to fade slowly into a forgotten mist.

23 January 2007

I can not think of a very good reason why I am even starting this blog. Perhaps it is because I have lost all creativity that once resided in this mind, that now just seems to sit silent and rot. So many things have gone astray, and I no longer have any clue on how to retrieve them, at times I find myself wondering if i even care to anymore. Perhaps it would be best , to just live while I can in a field of total darkness. I guess time will tell. And perhaps this will be the place that my life unfolds, until it finally comes to a screeching halt and ceases to exist anymore.